Monday, March 9, 2015



Let's have a deeper look into the past now and future and get clear guidance for unsolved mysteries of our lifes.You can ask  any kind questions or issue  for love relationships family work bissness investments  travelling, children spirituality . The tarot are combined with live open channels of intuition, symbols visions and energy reading .I use  colours of aura soma numbers, and crystals. I also use many different decks depends situation. The goal is not just only get to know what is going to happen in the future but what you can do creatively with it. We all carry located obstacles inside as we try to get to our targets. You will find out where are coming from and how to solve it.  As it appears the karmic picture of your life, your attitude, your potential, your life's lesson each time, depends on the situation. You will get guidance how to work on yourself and your reality cleaning your path from your own internal barriers or external obstacles and prepare for what you want to do or coming into your life. Empowering your gifts use all your opportunities encouraged and co-creation with the existential plan.Healing comes through the Angels Acsented Masters and higher self as truth lightening your way.
Skype sessions any time

Call 0030-6979283805
50eur.per hour

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